Rohingya volunteers use MOAS training to rescue drowning child

We are incredibly proud to announce that Rohingya community volunteers trained by MOAS have rescued an 11-year old boy using the skills and equipment acquired thanks to our team in Bangladesh.

Our Flood and Water Safety Training has been running in refugee camps across Cox’s Bazar since February 2019 and is already proving its life-saving results. Over the weekend, five community safety volunteers rescued a Rohingya boy who had got into difficulties while playing in a reservoir in Nayapara Camp.


With the heavy rainfall of the monsoon season, water-related dangers within the refugee camps are constantly on the rise. Children are particularly at risk, given the almost total absence of safe places to play, and the irresistible attraction of ponds, streams and reservoirs.

MOAS would like to congratulate our Rohingya volunteers for their commitment to our training, and for their vital work in protecting the most vulnerable members of their communities.


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