Christmas of Solidarity: MOAS donated 150 “panettones” to families, children and residents of migrant centres in Malta

After two years marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2022, the world has been impacted by the armed conflict in Ukraine, which caused thousands of victims, an unprecedented influx of migrants to Europe and disrupted the lives of millions of people. As we get closer to Christmas, families face an energy crisis, a rise in prices, and experience a general feeling of anxiety. 

The situation is even worse for those who fled their country and are now hosted in refugee centres, with limited access to services and far from their families and loved ones. As usual for Christmas, MOAS wishes to comfort Malta’s most vulnerable communities. Isolation and uncertainty affect refugees and asylum seekers already experiencing a tough time in their lives.

For Christmas, MOAS donated 150 “panettones” (a traditional seasonal sweet made in Italy) to all the families, the unaccompanied minors and the people residing in the AWAS-run centres in Malta to spread a positive message of peace and solidarity during this exceptional time of the year.

The donation has been made possible thanks to the invaluable support of MOAS’ donors, that continue to show their appreciation towards the initiatives and with the support of a fantastic team of volunteers who helped during the distribution.

 Regina Catrambone, Co-founder and Director of MOAS, stated: “I wish our donation can spread a message of peace that is really needed. It’s just a little gesture for a joyful Christmas and offers some sweet moments to migrants and refugees who are alone, far from their loved ones and facing an uncertain future. We wish to let them know that we stand by their side and are willing to help. Showing solidarity toward the most vulnerable people can make a difference and donate a moment of joy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!”.


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